Monday 21 April 2014

Snuggly Wuggly Blankets

It is autumn here and time to get ready for a very unforgiving Melbourne winter. I remember stacking up E's cupboard with all sorts of blankets for almost every occasion since she was a baby then and everyone wanted a glimpse of her wherever we went so it was really important that she was wrapped in beauty just like herself. I made two blankets from some printed fleece. Funny story, when we were buying fleece I picked up a babushka print for E and I asked her to choose the second print and she picked Dinosaur! Well looks like I won't have to HAVE pink all around the house.

The first blanket I made was with a stitched chevron stripe cotton binding around the edges of the blanket. For the second one I used a no sew method which is quite popular and there are many videos devoted to this technique. The video I referred to has two ways of making this blanket, I used the knotting technique. 
 Here is the no sew fleece blanket where I knotted the fringes. I made small fringes to give a fuller look on the edges. It looks great with one side printed and the other side in plain contrasting fabric. This is the dinosaur print which E chose for herself.

Here is my ever so bubbly girl taking a nap all snuggled up in her blanket. E likes it even more when she knows that mummy made something for her and that makes me want to create more all the time.

I was so excited about this no sew blanket that I made one to snuggle into on the couch while watching a movie on a really cold winter evening. I think I might not stop just here there are some more prints in store I have my eyes on!

This might not be an appropriate post for my readers in the northern hemisphere with spring all around them, so my suggestion is to take advantage of those winter stock clearance on fleece and make some blankets for winter x

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