Monday 3 March 2014

Water Wall for Little Geniuses!

All children are naturally fascinated with water and E loves it too. She loves to take a dip in it or soak in bubbles but best of all she loves to just play with it straight out of a bucket! I remember running through the garden hose with my little brother as a child during summer. Every evening mum would ask the gardener to hose the driveway, a very natural way to cool down the heat and we kids would get a chance to jump in muddy puddles (well sort of muddy puddles!). It wasn't so much because we felt hot but more so that we can play with water and make as much a mess as we could as we were outside the house.

I have been trying to set up different water activities for E during this really hot summer but I was looking at making a more organised play space for her where she can just play and explore water and enjoy what she is doing. This board was one that H put together for me all I did was just ask. We thought of making a really simple activity to begin with as E just turned 18 months. We do plan to keep updating and making it a more complexed activity as she grows.

We just arranged some plastic bottles, glass and bamboo along with a pipe and funnel on a board such that E can pour water through three openings and water will cascade its way down to a metal container with holes all over. E fills up her watering can from the bucket and pours the water (mainly in the red container) and watches how it makes its way down.

Sometimes she just pours the water out through the watering can and watches it sprinkle and other times it is just a plastic glass no watering can that she uses to pour out the water!

 I tried to make it as colourful as I could so that E is more attracted towards it but I'm sure if it wasn't so colourful E would still love it as much as she does now. There are many similar water activities on the web by other bloggers which are very fascinating and inspiring to look at and this one is my favourite as it's really simple for anyone to put together.

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