Wednesday 11 December 2013

DIY Paper Doily PomPom

My favourite decorations are the ones which hang down from the ceiling and are delicate in appearance. I was looking for something new to make some pompoms, anything other than tissue paper and found these paper doilies in my party supplies cupboard. Paper doilies are so versatile for decorations. They look great as buntings, lamps, cupcake wrappers, scrapbooking,flowers and in this instance as pompoms. These pompoms made from paper doilies are so simple that you can make heaps and hang them together from the ceiling or make smaller versions for your christmas tree decorations.

Here is how to make these delicate beauties.
1. Fold eight paper doilies in half
2. Open the fold and stitch them straight through the centre
3. start sticking each doily in a honeycomb pattern. Pinch centres of two doilies and stick with a sticky tape.
4.Now pinch the top and bottom ends of one side we just stuck in centre and a new layer. Stick together.
5. Keep repeating the process. basically we are sticking the centre of each doily to the layer on the left and the ends to the layer on the right.
6. once you finish sticking all layers the pompom will open up in a honeycomb pattern.
7. you can use some more sticky tape at the top to open up the layers forcefully, only if your pompom is not opening up nicely.
8. Tie a string to the top in the centre of each pompom and hang them up.

Simple and beautiful delicate pompom decorations will go well with any summer party, birthdays or wedding!

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