I'm on a development toys spree presently and most of these toys are made by H! It is like all those ideas that I was holding onto for so long are now coming out and taking shape with H's woodworking skills. I came across this really smart sensory board at fun at home with kids. We basically just added a few doors on the board and behind each door is a picture, one of them has a mirror. Also I didn't want to add textured fabrics on this board as that is a separate activity that I have planned for E.
The paint marks on one of the doors were made by E when she went straight to the board during our finger painting session. With so much to capture her attention, it is hard for E to stay at one place for a long time.
It was quite interesting to put together this board as a parent, we discussed whether it is workable, for every object we bought. The doors with pictures inside was a hit with E as she loves books and some of the characters she could recognise such as Peter Rabbit. As with every new activity E did get frustrated when she couldn't work something out but the next day she came back to the board and tried again more calmly.
The touch light works better in dark and once we move the board indoors I think that would be a hit too. E likes the colourful chunky chains too and tries to pull them out of the board.
Sensory board is simple to put together and a provides great food for young minds!

Sensory board is simple to put together and a provides great food for young minds!