Tuesday 8 October 2013

Dressed Up Fairy Lights for Diwali

This year for Diwali I want to do as much handicraft as I can besides trying to clean and organise my house at the same time. There is less than a month before the celebrations! I absolutely love this month every year as there is one festival after another right from Navratri to Bhai dooj and Diwali is my absolute favourite. Beautiful lights and fireworks fill up the dark sky and the food, Oh the food!!!! Oh how I miss home on Diwali, so many beautiful childhood memories! 

We have some old fairy lights left from last year and I wanted to dress them up for this year. When it comes to craft for an Indian festival I just want it all metallic, well mostly metallic or the rich indian colours. I have done two versions of these lights one just metallic(shown below) and the other with some fluoro colours and gold (which I'll show in my next post).

These lights are gold with red and green metallic fringes. I have made a small string of lights which would look quite similar to a bunting indoors up against any plain wall.

It is super easy to jazz up any old fairy lights and you can make different versions of this with different colours. Here is what you need gold paper cut into strips of any thickness you prefer. Bright metallic sheets of paper to cut into fringes of around 1 cm thickness, Cotton thread or fishing line,scissors,fringe scissors,glue stick,sticky tape and a single hole punch.

Fold the gold strip of paper to form a rectangular box, a wide fold followed by a thinner fold, another wide fold and finally a thinner fold. Use your fringe scissors or simple scissors to cut a fringe and stick the fringe to one edge of the gold strip. Fold the strip and stick the end with a sticky tape as shown in the picture below. Punch holes on the wider sides of the rectangle box in any pattern you like I have just punched three holes on each side and one single hole on the remaining two sides to tie the thread. Finally just tie these box shaped dresses to the lights ensuring that each fairy light is inside each box and plug them in.

These look beautiful either ways, plugged in or not and I hope you enjoy making these lights.


  1. To gud to read and wonderful of explaining too happy to c your blog may god bless you .

  2. Awesome work Manjari! I hope you are bringing some ur decoraton pieces to enlighten our house on Diwali party ;-)


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